Thursday, July 24, 2008

Farewell to Will

I guess I can't be too mad - I don't call and vote. But I think all of those who do call in and vote should vote for who I like! I loved watching Will dance - I guess I just figured he would be at least in the top 2, he is SO good. I will be sad to watch next week without him on the show.


Anonymous said...

I was so upset when I found out Marc was safe because then I knew Will, Joshua or Twitch would be leaving! I guess I should start voting!

Andrea said...

What is this world coming too!?!? I still love the show but I must admit I got angry when Kherington was sent home.... I agree with everyone else, Comfort should go. Even Eric was disgusted!

Andrea said...

So I just realized that I wrote Comfort should go and she's already gone! YEAH!

Annette's Best Kept Secrets said...

I was really surprised to see Will go. I really thought that Mark would go. But having two of my favorites in the bottom two well let's just say I will be voting next week.

Mandi Burrell said...

I watched too, and I was surprised. I definitely didn't want twitch to go yet and Will is really good. I guess when it gets down to it they have made it a long way and sometime you gotta go. Comfort was a great choice to go and I figured Marc but maybe next week.

Rachel said...

I'm glad I didn't check your blog til after I watched the show... I was not happy Mark wasn't going home. It was between Twitch and Will-- they are the best dancers.
Oh well I don't call and vote either so I'll just have to go with the flow.

Honeycombs said...

I tried to vote, but couldn't get in on the first try so I didn't try again. I really hope Marc goes home next week.